Monday, March 24, 2008

It was a perfect rainbow

It was a perfect rainbow. I had just dropped the boys off at AWANA and it was drizzling. Enough to keep your wipers on. I happened to look on the East side of town and saw the perfect rainbow - the entire rainbow! So I drove over to that end of town (not that it took that long to get there, but still), and I could see the entire thing. It looked like it was ending in a nearby field, so I quickly went home to get my camera. In a matter of those few minutes, the arch of the rainbow had disappeared and all I could get were the ends, which is so typical of seeing rainbows. I was so disappointed. I was so anxious to show it to Martin and the boys when I got home, but all I could show and tell of it were the ends. Maybe next time?!. . . . . .

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