Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Summer fun!

Here are the boys at the Cub Scout camp out a few weeks ago. It was a rainy day, but it ended up being good enough to go camping like we had planned. One of the den leaders helped the boys make "hobo pies" (made of hamburger patties, cut up potatoes and carrots) covered them in tin foil and put them on the grill. The boys had a blast doing that! In the morning they had pancakes, sausage and orange juice for breakfast. It was cold enough to have pants and sweatshirts on for a while (which for me is kinda nice as I enjoy the cool weather). Sure was fun - this was our 2nd annual camp out, and next year I think we'll move the location to the Mound creek state park (this year we were right in Mt. Lake, just a couple blocks from our house actually). But I guess Mound Creek has a real nice place to camp in tents and campers so we'll have to try that one out next.

Here is Martin "smashing" the pop cans that the boys have collected (mostly my Dr. Pepper cans I'm afraid?!) They had a blast going to the recycling place in Mankato and getting their money for them - almost $20 total, so they then went to Walmart and spent it. It was fun watching them be so proud of their new found cash - we'll definitely be keeping that up for them - what a great way for them to get money!

Ok, so here is a picture of our new boat. The boys (and Martin) sure are proud of it! I think they've only been in it twice this summer, but it is a HUGE deal to them! Its a very nice boat, needs a little TLC, but otherwise its in great shape. Nothing that a carpenter can't fix up great!
That's it for pictures at least for now. You know how it is having kids - there are always pictures you can put up of the boys, because of course I LOVE to show them off! Maybe later on I'll put some more pictures up of them!
By the way, in case you're wondering - the boys are really enjoying school! Josiah hasn't had a bad day yet in his 2nd year of Kindergarten (and it was probably all me getting nervous about him being there), but he'd been doing well. And Isaac has enjoyed being in 3rd grade. He aced his spelling test last week, but I did notice that this week's words were harder. He is star of the week this week too, so I need get a letter written for him, about him. Hmmmm. . . last time I did this was in 2nd grade and when I read it to him in class I got choked up. Must be a mom thing?! But its so cool to read something fun to your child when its about them. A person can't help but get all warm and fuzzy when reading those words. Anyways - I'm rambling again.
Have a great night everyone! Love to all. By the way, we're gonna be having a new addition to the Quintero family (and no, its not from us!). My sister in law, Frances and hubby, Aaron are expecting in December. That will be fun! :) Another one to spoil when we go down there!
Love to you all! ~

Saturday, September 15, 2007

A new family photo!

Ok, so its been a really long time since I posted anything. So sorry - things have been so extremely busy for me that I just haven't taken the time to upload any photos from the summer besides me going to the Premier rally! Here is a new family photo we just had taken a couple weeks ago at Sears. Martin said he was tired of not having a family photo in his wallet and we made an appt that weekend! The boys are growing so much, and this picture doesn't really show how tall they really are (not to mention that Martin says I look like a bear rug in this photo). I'm not sure if that comment is suppose to be good or bad? Never the less, I do like the picture - the angle of it actually. But he and the boys are heading to Mankato this afternoon while I go to work to "work". What a bummer. But that's how things go.

This summer has been a very busy one. Martin bought a boat (I'll post pictures later on) - its not a new one, however he got a VERY good deal on an older boat in great condition and the boys love it. Needless to say, I haven't been in it, but I do have a life jacket for it. Guess that's a start.

Isaac started 3rd grade and Josiah is in Kindergarten again, and he actuallly is really liking it this year. That's such a huge relief for me since he wasn't willing to stay back in K for another year this spring. He wanted to go to 1st grade with the rest of his friends, but I think he's realized that he'll make friends here too and he even knows some of the kids!

Martin is still keeping very busy with work. This coming week he will be going back up north again (Wahpeton, ND, Benson, Bemidji, Alexandria, etc) but should hopefully just be the week and then he'll be home. Work is slowing down as the cooler weather is setting in and I am absolutely loving it! I really don't like the heat (I think it comes from the past 12 years of working in AC!) and I love the fall weather, getting the sweatshirts out and sweatpants. Actually having to dress warm instead of undressing becuase you're so hot! Ish!

Must get going to work though. Just had to post this picture to atleast get something new up here. Hope things are going well for everyone.

love from the Quintero's