Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Uncle Willard's 70th birthday party

Ok, so I'm probably going overboard on the photos here, but I couldn't resist posting them all! I had a fabulous time with all my relatives!! It has been so long since I've seen them, that I didn't realize how much I missed all of them until I saw them! My only regret is that I wish I would've known about the finger smear on the lens of my camera!!!!! (argh!) If I would've checked it before taking all the pictures, I wouldn't have gotten that crazy "cloudy" look in the middle of my pictures! So, if any of you have a better family picture (and preferable one with Uncle John in it), could you please email it to me? I would really appreciate it! I have that picture as my wallpaper on my computer at work, but of course mine has the "cloudy" look to it, so I would appreciate a clearer one and yes, Uncle John, you are part of the family, and I would like you in my picture too! :)

We had a really good time with everyone. Uncle Willard had around 60 or so people visit him during his open house at the Eventide, and I thought that was really nice. Of course the ultimate was finding out that Isaac told my Dad yesterday (after picking him up from school) that he had a great time playing with all his cousins. Dad said they weren't talking about it at all, Isaac just brought it up on his own. And Isaac was also in bed by 7:30 that night!! He was just a little worn out playing so much! It makes me realize how we really have to make the time for the next family reunion we have. Hopefully next it will work out for us to be able to go.

Until next time, enjoy the family photos. Some aren't the greatest, Josiah and Isaac had the camera at the Parkside Depot where we went to dinner, but they meant well!

Have a great day and I hope all of you are doing well! I love you all and had a fabulous time with all of you! - HONEST!!! Like Cheri told me, I am VERY proud of my Christian heritage and love my family so very much!

Hugs to you all! ~
Michelle Denise

1 comment:

John & Stacie said...

Thanks for posting all the pictures. It looks like a great time & I'm sure Willard enjoyed having everyone there to celebrate. Fun to see family I haven't in a long while! Have a great week!