Thursday, December 13, 2007

Josiah's new front tooth!!!!

Hello. Well, some of you will remember Josiah's famous "accident" where he lost both of his baby front teeth back in May. Well, finally before Thanksgiving, we started to see the beginnnings of one of those brand new tooth (I've been teasing him that that tooth is gonna be a "big honking tooth"! So this picture confirms that tooth now coming in and all of us at home have been so excited for him! Even before it was out, I had to keep checking his mouth to see if that tooth was really gonna show its face or not! Josiah would say that his gums hurt and just a corner of the tooth was sticking through then (this was just a big of deal as when they were little getting their first set of choppers!!).
I just had to take this photo and post it for all to see! So now he's able to actually take a bite of food with his front teeth instead of always chewing on the sides. One never thinks about those things until it happens! And of course his bear isn't getting any teeth in, but he is so proud of that little bear (from Kohl's) that he had to get in the picture too!

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