Wednesday, June 18, 2008

our 10th Anniversary

Ok, so I have no pictures to document this momentous occasion, but we did celebrate our 10th Wedding anniversary last week - June 13th. And no, we did not get married on Friday, the 13th. We actually got married on a Saturday at 2:00 if I remember right.

Because of high gas prices we weren't even going to go anywhere to celebrate, but at the last minute, Martin decided to take me out to Jackpot for supper. They have just remodeled their buffet there, so we were anxious to try it out. They were having "authentic Mexican cuisine" so we thought it would be a treat. Although it was late before we even got there (almost 8:00 and I was tired on the way there!), it was fun, but the buffet was disappointing to say the least. It was Mexican night there, along with Italian, fish and chicken, stuffing and gravies. They had totally revamped the eating area including shrinking where they actually serve the buffet. So they can seat a lot more people, but now their food choices are more limited. The prices stayed the same - $25.00 for both of us, but we walked away from there thinking that we probably wouldn't eat there again. Afterwards we played some slots (or rather I did as Martin played black jack) and then we went home. The boys ended up staying for night at Mom and Dad's house so we could actually sleep in in the morning. That was nice! :)

Happy 10th Anniversary to us!!!

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