Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My 20th class reunion - class of 1988

Ok, so forget about the date on the picture here, this was taken on Saturday, June 13, 2008
myself, Marjorie (Stoesz) Peterson and Lona (Nelson) Baumann
Lona and I

We graduated on June 3, 1988. Our Class song was Here I go again by Whitesnake - does anyone remember that song?! However, don't ask me for many other details from that great day in my life, because I don't remember them. Our class colors were something like gray and pink as I remember our robes were not very flattering for color at all, but who cares?! We were there to get out of High School right?!?!?!?!?!?!

We graduated with 56 in our class and of those, 25 actually showed up for our reunion. And I have to admit, that this was the first one I have ever attended. We had our 5, 10 and 15 year and honestly, I was very disappointed to see that some of the girls in my class are still as judgmental 20 years later as they were back then. They formed their "click", sat and talked about the rest of us that were there. How grown up is that?! I mean we are almost all 40 years old by now and you would think that maturity has set in after all these years. Oh well. I had a great time seeing people I hadn't seen in years. They said that most of us live within 3 counties of Mt. Lake which is surprising to hear since of course, once you graduate, your hometown is the last place on earth you want to end up at. In reading about the classmated that sent in their information, I would say most of us live in smaller towns and have kids. Very few dont. Only one person that I read has been married for 19 of those 20 years we've been out of school. That's a long time - especially thinking that she is my age and I've only been married for 10 of those years.

We had a great night to get together - the weather held out most of the evening very well. Only once did it get real windy and then eventually it started to sprinkle, but by then most of us were inside the garage talking anyhow. (by the way, one of my classmates volunteered to have it at his house so we only had to go a few blocks from our house to get there - how nice is that?!) It was funny telling people where we lived, cuz about 10 of us lived within walking distance of where the reunion was held. Crazy stuff.

Over the years, my memories of High School are distant which is sad cuz I know there were many good memories to be had there. I'm sure if I looked in my annual, they would come rushing back to me, but for the moment, they are locked away - somewhere. I sang at 2 of my classmates' wedding back in the day. That was something Martin learned about me while we were there. He had no idea I did that. My classmates husband told him that and said that his mom gets out the tape of their wedding to listen to the music they had because she's never heard anything like that since. Now, I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I thought that was really nice to hear. Of course there was an organist and piano music there too, so it wasn't just me singing, but still.

Mom said she was suppose to have her 50th class reunion this year, but so far she hadn't heard a word from anyone about it. You would certainly think that that would be a milestone you would want to recognize. Oh well.

All I know is that I had a blast at my reunion and from what I've heard and others have said - everyone had a good time. And that's what it is all about!!

Go Class of '88!!!!!!!!!!!!

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